The Cygwin Console (i.e. the Cygwin Bash Shell) is where you will
execute all your HTK/Julius commands and scripts, and your VoxForge
scripts. It provides a Linux-like environment to execute your commands
Starting Cygwin
Open your Cygwin Console by clicking:
Start>All Programs>Cygwin>Cygwin Bash Shell.
Working with Directories
When you start a Cygwin Console, you are automatically sent to your Cygwin home directory - which usually corresponds to your Windows username. All Windows users on your system should have a home directory with a Windows path of:
c:\cygwin\home\[Windows Username]
$pwd |
Note on Cygwin directories
Directory Structure
Cygwin attempts to duplicate the directory structure of a Linux System within the "c:\cygwin" folder:
Windows location | Cygwin Console |
c:\cygwin\bin | /bin |
c:\cygwin\etc | /etc |
c:\cygwin\home | /home |
c:\cygwin\home\administrator | /home/administrator |
c:\cygwin\lib | /lib |
c:\cygwin\tmp | /tmp |
c:\cygwin\usr | /usr |
c:\cygwin\var | /var |
c:\cygwin | / |
Creating Files
creating directories and files in your home directory in Cygwin,
remember that you can use Windows Explorer to create a file, and
Windows Wordpad to edit it (see below for the Cygwin commands to do this). For example, if you need to create a file in
the following Cygwin directory:
/home/[your home directory]/voxforge/manual,
then start Windows Explorer, go to this directory
c:\cygwin\home\[your home directory\voxforge\manual
and click 'File>New>Text Document' in Windows Explorer to create
an empty file. Then use Windows Wordpad to edit it, by
doubling-clicking the new file, and selecting WordPad from the 'Open
With ...' selection window.
Note: If you create a file directly in WordPad, when you save it WordPad will try to append a '.txt' or '.rtf' suffix to your file name. |
Cutting and Pasting Content from Windows to Cygwin
from the Windows application:
- highlight the text to be copied;
- right-click and select copy from right-click menu (or hit ctrl-c key combination);
go to Cygwin window:
- right-click Cygwin window header
- select Edit>Paste from the right-click menu
Extracting Gzipped Tar files in Windows
7-Zip program can unzip and untar Linux gzipped tar files from Windows Explorer. Once
installed, you simply right-click the file you want to unzip and/or
untar in Windows Explorer, and select 7-Zip from the right-click
menu. If your file is gzipped and tarred, you need to execute the
7-Zip extract twice: first on the .tgz file, and then again on the generated .tar file.
It is Open Source and licenced under LGPL. It can be obtained at:
You can also use the Cywin tar command (see below)