
command not working
User: chuxxsss
Date: 1/1/2009 6:04 am
Views: 2549
Rating: 1

I am running ubuntu 8.10 linux.

Add extacted file to harddrive call the directory julius.  Then tried the command /julian -input mic -C julian.jconf fail.  So then try after cd'ing to directory julius$/ julian -input mic -C julian.jconf fail again bash: julian: command not found file is there in green any help would be nice.  Anyway thank you for trying to help with this program keep up the good work. If you need to email me use user name at  Thanks again

Re: command not working
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/1/2009 2:25 pm
Views: 72
Rating: 2

Hi chuxxsss,

>Add extacted file to harddrive call the directory julius.  Then tried the

>command /julian -input mic -C julian.jconf fail.

If you extracted the Julius quickstart into your 'julius' directory, you need to change directory (i.e. 'cd') to the extract quickstart folder, like this:

$ cd julius/julius-3.5.2-quickstart-linux

and then execute the Julius command as per the readme in the tar file:

$ ./julian -input mic -C julian.jconf

The julian.jconf file contains the paths to the acoustic model files (the '-h' and '-hlist' parameters).

Hope that helps,


Re: command not working
User: vertago1
Date: 8/5/2009 9:34 pm
Views: 51
Rating: 0

try ./julius instead of ./julian
