I have a few simple questions:
a) In order to be able to use the Julius SRE with a vocabulary and grammar that is not simply from the "dialing a phone number" scenario (say I want to start recording other things), must I create a brand new language model? I have successfully tested Julius using the sample.voca and grammar from the nightly releases, but it's also constrained to the voca and grammar- if I were simply to change the voca and grammar, would it work or is that not correct?
b) Consequently, does the Speaker-Independent Acoustic Model available for download only useful for the language model of "dialing a phone number"? Or does it incorporate other wonderful language models like CSLU?
--- (Edited on 11/13/2009 7:55 pm [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
Hi Rio,
>must I create a brand new language model?
Yes, for dictation type application you need to create a language model.
>but it's also constrained to the voca and grammar- if I were simply to
>change the voca and grammar, would it work or is that not correct?
See the VoxForge tutorial
Step 1 - Task Grammar for details on how to do this
>does the Speaker-Independent Acoustic Model available for
>download only useful for the language model of "dialing a phone
>number"? Or does it incorporate other wonderful language models
>like CSLU?
Julius supports the use of language models - however, you recognition rates won't be so good...
You might want experiment with Keith Vertanen's Language models: CSR LM-1 language model training recipe; or the English Gigaword language model training recipe.
--- (Edited on 11/16/2009 1:24 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---