Ok this is probably a stupid question but I'll ask anyways.
I was wondering what the difference is when creating speaker independant speech models instead of speaker dependant models - apart from using samples from multiple persons of course.
I looked around in the dev/ page but I couldn't find it: Is the script used to create the Voxforge acoustic models available somewhere?
--- (Edited on 2/21/2010 3:01 pm [GMT-0600] by bedahr) ---
>I was wondering what the difference is when creating speaker independant
>speech models instead of speaker dependant models - apart from using
>samples from multiple persons of course.
There is no difference for the HTK acoustic models I create for VoxForge. I don't know if there should be a difference.
>I looked around in the dev/ page but I couldn't find it: Is the script used to
>create the Voxforge acoustic models available somewhere?
AcousticModel.pm calls Compile_AcousticModel.sh
Basically the same approach used in the VoxForge Howto/Tutorial.
--- (Edited on 2/21/2010 9:00 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---