Acoustic Model Discussions

Error in force aligning transcript
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/8/2013 9:43 am
Views: 8222
Rating: 2

Crystal asks:

(moved from being a reply to an unrelated post)

     I am trying to perform force aligned training using Sphinx 3.
I have followed the below given steps.
1) Set the following force Alignment Params in sphinx_train.cfg to 'yes'.
     b) $CFG_CI_MGAU
2) Copied the binary sphinx3_align from sphin3/bin to hmm/bin directory.

3) Trained the Context independent models by running following lines of script (Commenting the rest).

4) Copying the mdef file from "model_parameters/$CFG_DB_NAME.falign_ci_cont/mdef"  to  "model_parameters/$CFG_DB_NAME.falign_ci_cont_{no. of gau}/"

5) Again running the script with following line. (commenting the rest), in order to get the force aligned transcript in the  falignout/ directory.
Now I am stuck. Can you please help me? Its urgent.   

Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
    Phase 4: Creating transcript for alignment...
    Phase 5: Running force alignment in  3 parts
Use of uninitialized value $class in string eq at /home/asrproject/sphinx3/agmark/marathi/trainAndTest/hmm/scripts_pl/03.force_align/../lib/SphinxTrain/ line 130, <LOG> line 133.
Use of uninitialized value $class in string eq at /home/asrproject/sphinx3/agmark/marathi/trainAndTest/hmm/scripts_pl/03.force_align/../lib/SphinxTrain/ line 133, <LOG> line 133.
Failed in part 1
Use of uninitialized value $class in string eq at /home/asrproject/sphinx3/agmark/marathi/trainAndTest/hmm/scripts_pl/03.force_align/../lib/SphinxTrain/ line 130, <LOG> line 266.
Use of uninitialized value $class in string eq at /home/asrproject/sphinx3/agmark/marathi/trainAndTest/hmm/scripts_pl/03.force_align/../lib/SphinxTrain/ line 133, <LOG> line 266.
Failed in part 1
Use of uninitialized value $class in string eq at /home/asrproject/sphinx3/agmark/marathi/trainAndTest/hmm/scripts_pl/03.force_align/../lib/SphinxTrain/ line 130, <LOG> line 399.
Use of uninitialized value $class in string eq at /home/asrproject/sphinx3/agmark/marathi/trainAndTest/hmm/scripts_pl/03.force_align/../lib/SphinxTrain/ line 133, <LOG> line 399.
Failed in part 1
Something failed: (/home/asrproject/sphinx3/agmark/marathi/trainAndTest/hmm/scripts_pl/03.force_align/

Thanks in advance

--- (Edited on 3/8/2013 10:43 am [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Error in force aligning transcript
User: haz
Date: 4/18/2013 10:45 am
Views: 773
Rating: 3

I have a problem also in doing force alignment...but I got a different error thats says

no sphinx3_align(.exe) found in databasename/bin

If you wish to do force-alignment, please copy or link the

sphinx3_align binary from Sphinx 3 to databasename/bin

and either define $CFG_MODEL_DIR in sphinx_train.cfg or

run context-independent training first.

However, I did put the sphinx3_align file in the bin of my database


Anyone know a clue?

--- (Edited on 4/18/2013 10:45 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: Error in force aligning transcript
User: anonymous
Date: 5/30/2013 2:20 am
Views: 485
Rating: 1

Even i get the same error.

no sphinx3_align(.exe) found in databasename/bin

I obviously copied that file into hmm/bin

Any help?

--- (Edited on 5/30/2013 2:20 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: Error in force aligning transcript
User: Binh
Date: 9/30/2013 5:44 am
Views: 110
Rating: 5

I got the same problem and here is one possible anwser.

Did you make the file(sphinx3_align) executable?  I forgot that and got the same error until I change the permission to executable by owner. That solved the problem.

--- (Edited on 9/30/2013 5:44 am [GMT-0500] by Binh) ---

Re: Error in force aligning transcript
Date: 10/9/2013 1:05 am
Views: 424
Rating: 2

I have executed perl scripts_pl/ to get trained vectors. But problem in enable part for force allignment in "sphinx_train.cfg" file.

In which part/statement changes is required? Kindly help.

--- (Edited on 10/9/2013 1:05 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---

Re: Error in force aligning transcript
User: Semsem
Date: 11/10/2013 2:56 am
Views: 3397
Rating: 0

please can you gave me the version of : sphinx3.x, sphinxbase.x, sphinxtrain.x, cmuclmtk.x that you have used so that you have got no errors ? I think that all bugs are coming from incompatibility between required sphinx packages

Thnx in advance :)

--- (Edited on 11/10/2013 2:56 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
