I have converted a .wav file to a .mfc file using HCopy. Now I want to read the coefficients to do some calculations in a spreadsheet.
I get strange characters when I open the .mfc file in Gedit or spreadsheet.
How can I do that? Will greatly appreciate any hint or suggestion.
--- (Edited on 5/13/2013 3:14 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
You have two easy options:
a) read the HTK book which specifies the binary file format
b) use HList to print to ASCII - again read the HTK book to find out how this works
Dr Tony Robinson
Founder Cantab Research Ltd
--- (Edited on 13-May-2013 9:36 am [GMT+0100] by TonyR) ---
Thanks a lot!
--- (Edited on 5/13/2013 6:19 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
This answer quit helped me, thanks a lot.
But now I can't seem to find how to do the other way round (converting from text data to mfc).
I trid with hcopy but it says that there is no header file :/
Best regards
--- (Edited on 6/9/2013 5:59 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
Hi. I am new to HTK. I created my HMM model in txt format and I want to use HRest for obtain probabilities. as I know we should use mfc formats for HRest. my question is that how we can assign our variables in txt format instead of mfc file
--- (Edited on 12/3/2013 11:53 am [GMT-0600] by shohre) ---