No, there's something wrong....
Does that warning come out only in HVite or in HSLab too??
Did you play back your audio records in HSlab to be sure they are not truncated??
Which mic are you using???
maybe there is same problem with the config files....
Could you tell me all the steps you follow from audio record to Hvite?
In the meanwhile i'll seek my config files...
--- (Edited on 9/9/2014 11:46 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
This warning is from using padsp HVite. Use audcity to record my audio. I used the same audity parameter as you mentioned. You mentioned earlier about setting up your time in the .lab file. Why is there a need to do that? I am unsure.
Just to let you know I am doing this tutorial on "speaker recognition". This tutorial helps with vowel recogniser and then speaker recognition. However the process are similar.
--- (Edited on 9/9/2014 9:59 pm [GMT-0500] by lusting4life) ---
WARNING [-6006] InitAudi: error dividing buffer in HVite
Please speak sentence - measuring level
Level measurement completed
WARNING [-6006] InitAudi: error dividing buffer in HVite
which I ignored. Then it goes on to this and it repeatily outputs this message.
WARNING [-6006] ReadAudio: Failed to read all 0 samples from OSS audio in HVite
Any body figured this problem?
--- (Edited on 1/15/2015 6:59 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---