I downloaded sphinx3 (nightly build) , SphinxTrain (nightly build) and an4 (an4_raw.bigendian.tar) and installed all the stuff, following step by step the "Robust Group Tutorial", on an iMac.
I had to do 2 modifications for the process to succeed.
1- modify an4/etc/sphinx_train.cfg: 'sph' and 'nist' changed in 'raw'
2- create a .libs directory under an4/bin/ and put in: sphinx3/build/bin/sphinx3_decode
Finally, after running scripts_pl/decode/slave.pl, I get the following results:
This step had 6 ERROR messages and 2 WARNING messages. Please check the log file for details.
Aligning results to find error rate
SENTENCE ERROR: 96.9% (125/130) WORD ERROR RATE: 95.2% (735/773)
Could anyone explain to me why these results are so poor ?
Thanks in advance.
--- (Edited on 2/6/2009 12:56 pm [GMT-0600] by Yann) ---
> an4 (an4_raw.bigendian.tar)
Downlaod NIST
> iMac
Try to add "-machine_endian big" in ./scripts/make_feats.pl.
--- (Edited on 2/6/2009 1:24 pm [GMT-0600] by nsh) ---
Hi nsh,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
First I tried to add "-machine_endian big" in ./scripts/make_feats.pl but this did not solve the problem.
Then, following your first advice, I used an4 coming from an4_raw.littleendian.tar and this time decode ran perfectly, providing the expected results.
Again, thank you very much for your help!
--- (Edited on 2/8/2009 3:08 am [GMT-0600] by Yann) ---