Hi Ken,
Presently the recognition using 'julius' is good with all digits(any
no. of digits) except combinations of '1', '7' and '9', even though I have added plenty
of samples with these combinations with deterministic silence in between. Can you help me?
Thanks alot.
--- (Edited on 5/12/2009 4:30 am [GMT-0500] by vishu) ---
Hi Vishu,
>except combinations of '1', '7' and '9',
Look for papers on this topic... Google "improving number recognition" or something like that... I found this one that might be helpful: Recognition of spoken number. Suggestions from that paper:
The large difference between %Correct and Accuracy implies a large number of insertion errors. It was observed that many insertion errors were the result of inter digit pauses introduced by a few speakers naturally. Consequently, the grammar was modified to allow an optional silence segment between adjacent words.
In order to reduce insertion error, an insertion penalty was introduced. This is a fixed cost levied whenever the system made a transition out of a word model. The introduction of such a penalty results in significant decrease of insertion errors at the
cost of minor increase in %Correct. The optimal value of insertion penalty for training data was decided by trial and error, and was found to be -40. This value was used in all subsequent experiments.
--- (Edited on 5/12/2009 2:25 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
Thanks Ken it was helpful indeed. Other required clarifications are
1) I want 'julius' to accept input speech other than microphone(from telephone for example),
Please put light on that. I have gone through options relating to 'ALSADEV' and 'AUDIODEV'.
not succeeded yet. Please brief me on this.
2) I want to study 'julius' source code, is there any flowchart or algorithm for that?
--- (Edited on 5/19/2009 7:03 am [GMT-0500] by vishu) ---
Hi vishu,
>1) I want 'julius' to accept input speech other than microphone(from
>telephone for example),
Use can create your own client using adintool to send speech back to Julius (in server mode). For telephony, use an Asterisk server as your telephony front-end and write up your own APIs to the Julius server. I think there are examples on the Asterisk site for Sphinx integration with Asterisk, use a similar approach for Julius.
>2) I want to study 'julius' source code, is there any flowchart or
>algorithm for that?
You're best to talk to the Julius maintainer about that...
--- (Edited on 5/19/2009 9:42 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
Hi Ken,
>I have gone through options relating to 'ALSADEV' and 'AUDIODEV'.
not succeeded yet. Please brief me on this.
--- (Edited on 5/22/2009 2:38 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
I am assuming you are talking about Julius 4.1.2 "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES". From the Julius manual:
(using mic input with alsa device) specify a capture device name. If not specified, "default" will be used.
(using mic input with oss device) specify a capture device path. If not specified, "I/dev/dsp" will be used.
see Wikipedia entries for: ALSA and OSS
--- (Edited on 5/25/2009 2:00 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
Hi Ken, Thanks for the responce.
1) I tried using 'AUDIODEV', please brief me on this. Because the new path /tmp/dsp1' is not getting opened? I wanted speech data to be handled by this 'dsp1'.
2) Can julius recognise rawfile in 'A-law' format? From the telephone line we are getting speech in this format only.
Thanks a lot.
--- (Edited on 5/26/2009 7:54 am [GMT-0500] by vishu) ---
>I tried using 'AUDIODEV', please brief me on this.
it uses OSS.
> Can julius recognise rawfile in 'A-law' format?
I don't know much about A-law. It sounds like A-law is does compression, but I am not clear on this from the Wikipedia entry (they talk about it as being a standard "companding" algorithm used in Europe).
You might need to use acoustic models tained with audio in A-law format to get reasonable recognition results.
--- (Edited on 6/10/2009 2:07 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
Hello Im not so familiar with Julis and I hope that someone can help me.
I would like to use a USB soundcard with a mic as the input of Julius. arecord works fine with the option ' -D plughw:1,0 '. Now the question is, how to force Julius to use the same device? In the JuliusBook I found this statement: "[...] if you have multiple audio device and set ' ALSADEV="plughw:1,0" ', Julius will listen to the second sound card". Great, how can I set this ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE? I wrote this line in the config file (-C $conf_file) of Julius but I got the error:
"ERROR: m_options: wrong argument: "ALSADEV=plughw:1,0"
--- (Edited on 4/24/2013 10:00 am [GMT-0500] by ) ---
Hi Terzh,
> "ERROR: m_options: wrong argument: "ALSADEV=plughw:1,0"
this error comes from julius, because you put it in the julius config file. ALSADEV should not be a parameter for julius (and the program is complaining about it), but, as you already pointed out, ALSADEV is expected to be an environment variable.
You can try the following command:
$ ALSADEV=plughw:1,0 julius -C your-julius-config-file.conf
I think it should work, because issuing
$ MYENVVAR=something program
forces that program (and only *that* instance of the program) to use MYENVVAR as an env variable with value "something".
I also have a usb microphone and tested it with julius4 successfully.
--- (Edited on 4/29/2013 8:48 am [GMT-0500] by azeem) ---