Hi all,
I have writen 70 phrases for the training process of spanish. I'm from spain, and for me the phrases are usuals.
Could any one revise the phrases and the phonemes, in order to see, if they could be used, or see if the phrases could be corrected in order to make easier for pleople from other spanish countries.
Thanks in advance to all.
Here you have new phrases for the training process of spanish (now there are 140 phrases), and here you have the spanish lexicon (lexicon/voxforge_lexicon_spanish), and the description of the procedure for making test trainig for yourself (when you have htk installed, it's only necesary to record the phrases, and then execute two scripts, look at the file notestraining.txt, in spanish).
I have included new phrases in order to have the triphones that more times appear in spanish.
Hi ubanov:
Phrases looks great and I'm reading the procedure, in the nexts days I going to give a try and let you know, but as far as I read you make things very easy for us...
Hi Ubanov,
I created a new Trac repository (http://www.dev.voxforge.org/projects/es) and Subversion repository (http://www.dev.voxforge.org/svn/es/) where I committed your code.
I also sent you email on how to login to these so you can make changes.
If anyone else needs access to either of these, please let me know.
Hi Mauricio,
When do you plan to upload your voice to voxforge O:-) I need more recordings in order to continue making tests.
Now I have record twice my phrases, and include the only phrases uploaded to voxforge (the phrases from ricardodelima)...
More phrases are needed, please. Record your own phrases and upload it, please.
Thanks in advace.
I allready upload 3 session (each one with about 8 or 10 phrases), I really sorry to not have the time to help more with this, but as soon as I can I want to try the semi-auto procedure, hopefully this week...
Also tomorrow I going to upload more phrases hopefully...
Thanks for the effor...
can we write in Spanish in this forum?, can someone tell us?
Well I'm trying to follow the auto procedure, but I get stock trying to record the phrases, ./recordprompts stop at phrase:
./recordprompts: line 50: kill: (13248) - No such process
=> La jota es un baile regional
the file is created and I can hear the sound, don't know what is the problem...
Hi Mauricio,
>can we write in Spanish in this forum?, can someone tell us?
Yes, that's why I created separate forums for different languages...
Note that I can't read Spanish (Google translate helps...), so if you need general help, please ask in English.
gracias Ken...
Hole Ubanov:
Estoy subiendo en estos momentos mi sesion de voz a voxforge, batalle un rato con el programa pero por suerte se puede volver rapidamente a la ultima frase correctamente grabada :-) , asi pude completar las 140, en algunas no pude eliminar un ruido tipo "chik" al comienzo de la frase, probablemente ruido desde mi teclado, espero no afecte demasiado el entrenamiento, si encuentras que se escuchan o que el ruido hace de las frases que sean inutilizables me avisas para intentar grabarlas nuevamente...
Ahora voy a continuar con el proceso de entrenamiento y te cuento si me encuentro con algun problema...
Saludos y gracias por el esfuerzo..