package speechrecorder; /** * ISO 639-2 language codes: * * @author kmaclean * */ class LabelLocalizer { private String usernamePanelLabel; private String usernamePanelText; private String copyrightName; private String gplAccepted; private String pleaseSelect; private String other; private String notApplicable; private String genderPanelLabel; private String genderSelection []; private String ageRangePanelLabel; private String ageSelection []; private String dialectPanelLabel; private String dialectSelection []; private String microphonePanelLabel; private String microphoneSelection []; private String uploadText; private String uploadButtonLabel; private String moreInfoText; private String moreInfoButtonLabel; private String disclaimerText; private String aboutButtonLabel; private String recordButton; private String stopButton; private String playButton; private String peakWarningLabel; private String sampleGraphFileLabel; private String sampleGraphLengthLabel; private String sampleGraphPositionLabel; private String uploadingMessageLabel; private String uploadCompletedMessageLabel; public LabelLocalizer (String language) { // debug System.err.println("LabelLocalizerLanguage:" + language + ":"); if (language.equals("EN")) { English(); // debug System.err.println("LabelLocalizerLanguage:" + language + ": equals EN"); } else if (language.equals("NL")) { Dutch(); } else if (language.equals("DE")) { German(); } else if (language.equals("RU")) { Russian(); } else if (language.equals("IT")) { Italian(); //} else if (language.equals("HB")) { // Hebrew(); } else if (language.equals("HE")) { Hebrew(); } else if (language.equals("PT")) { Portuguese(); //} else if (language.equals("PT_BR")) { // Brazilian(); } else if (language.equals("ES")) { Spanish(); } else if (language.equals("FR")) { French(); } else if (language.equals("EL")) { // EL = Greece & Cyprus Greek(); } else if (language.equals("TR")) { Turkish(); } else if (language.equals("BG")) { Bulgarian(); } else if (language.equals("CA")) { Catalan(); } else if (language.equals("UK")) { Ukrainian(); } else if (language.equals("HR")) { Croatian(); } else if (language.equals("SQ")) { Albanian(); } else if (language.equals("BE")) { Belarusian(); } else { English(); // debug System.err.println("LabelLocalizerLanguage:" + language + ": defaults to english"); } } private void English() { usernamePanelLabel = "Username:"; usernamePanelText = "(leave blank to submit anonymously)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Yes"; pleaseSelect = "Please Select"; notApplicable = "unknown"; genderPanelLabel = "Gender:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Male"; genderSelection[2] = "Female"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Age Range:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Youth"; ageSelection[2] = "Adult"; ageSelection[3] = "Senior"; dialectPanelLabel = "Pronunciation Dialect:"; dialectSelection = new String [11]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Australian English"; dialectSelection[2] = "American English"; // other dialectSelection[3] = "British English"; dialectSelection[4] = "Canadian English"; dialectSelection[5] = "European English"; dialectSelection[6] = "Indian English"; dialectSelection[7] = "Irish English"; dialectSelection[8] = "New Zealand English"; dialectSelection[9] = "South African English"; dialectSelection[10] = "Other"; microphonePanelLabel = "Microphone Type:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset mic"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB Headset mic"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Laptop Built-in mic"; microphoneSelection[6] = "WebCam mic"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio mic"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Other"; uploadText = "By clicking the \"Upload\" button, you agree to assign the Copyright to your recorded speech to
" + "the Free Software Foundation, and to license your submission under the GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Upload"; moreInfoText = "For more information on Copyright and GPL, click here:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "More Information"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without even the implied
" +"more details click the \"About\" button:"; aboutButtonLabel = "About"; recordButton = "Record"; stopButton = "Stop"; playButton = "Play"; peakWarningLabel = "Warning: input may be too loud"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "File: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Length: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Position: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Uploading..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Upload completed... Thank you for your submission!"; } private void Russian() { usernamePanelLabel = "Имя пользователя:"; usernamePanelText = "(можно не указывать)"; copyrightName = "Ассоциация свободного ПО"; gplAccepted = "Принять"; pleaseSelect = "Выберите"; notApplicable = "другое"; genderPanelLabel = "Пол:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Мужчина"; genderSelection[2] = "Женщина"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Возраст:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "до 25"; ageSelection[2] = "до 55"; ageSelection[3] = "более 55"; dialectPanelLabel = "Регион"; dialectSelection = new String [8]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Центральный"; dialectSelection[2] = "Южный"; // other dialectSelection[3] = "Северный"; dialectSelection[4] = "Урал"; dialectSelection[5] = "Сибирь"; dialectSelection[6] = "Дальний восток"; dialectSelection[7] = "Другое"; microphonePanelLabel = "Тип микрофона:"; microphoneSelection = new String [8]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "В гарнитуре"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Компьютерный"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Встроенный в ноутбук"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Веб-камера"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Студийный микрофон"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Другое"; uploadText = "Нажимая на кнопку \"Загрузить\", Вы передаёте права на записанную информацию
" + "Ассоциации Свободного Программного Обеспечения, и позволяете распространять её в терминах лицензии GNU GPL:" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Загрузить"; moreInfoText = "Для получения дополнительной информации о правах на запись, прочитайте эту страницу:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Дополнительная информация"; disclaimerText = "Апплет загрузки речи VoxForge - Авторское право (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Это приложение поставляется БЕЗ ГАРАНТИЙ; оно может даже не соответствовать
" +"предъявляемым к нему требованиям. Для получения дополнительной информации
" +"нажмите \"О программе\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "О программе"; recordButton = "Записать"; stopButton = "Пауза"; playButton = "Воспроизвести"; peakWarningLabel = "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: запись слишком громкая"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Файл: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Длина: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Положение: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Загрузка записи..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Запись загружена...Спасибо за участие!"; } private void German() { usernamePanelLabel = "Benutzername:"; usernamePanelText = "(für anonymen Beitrag leer lassen)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Ja"; pleaseSelect = "Bitte wählen"; notApplicable = "unbekannt"; genderPanelLabel = "Geschlecht:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Männlich"; genderSelection[2] = "Weiblich"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Altersgruppe:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Jugendlicher"; ageSelection[2] = "Erwachsener"; ageSelection[3] = "Senior"; dialectPanelLabel = "Aussprachevarietät:"; dialectSelection = new String [10]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Norddeutschland"; dialectSelection[2] = "Westdeutschland"; dialectSelection[3] = "Berlin"; dialectSelection[4] = "südl. Ostdeutschland"; dialectSelection[5] = "Südwestdeutschland"; dialectSelection[6] = "Bayern"; dialectSelection[7] = "Schweiz"; dialectSelection[8] = "Österreich"; dialectSelection[9] = "anderer Sprachraum"; microphonePanelLabel = "Mikrofon-Typ:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset-Mikro (am Kopfhörer)"; microphoneSelection[2] = "Headset-Mikro (USB)"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Tisch-Mikro"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Tisch-Mikro (USB)"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Eingebautes Laptop-Mikro"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Webcam-Mikro"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio-Mikro"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Anderes Mikro"; uploadText = "Durch Ihren Klick auf\"Hochladen\" erklären Sie, dass Sie das Copyright Ihrer Sprachaufnahme
" + "auf die Free Software Foundation übertragen und Ihren Beitrag unter der GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\") lizensieren:" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Hochladen"; moreInfoText = "Weitere Informationen zu Copyright und GPL:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Weitere Informationen"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, daß es Ihnen
" +"von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite
" +"Details können Sie mit einem Klick auf \"Lizenz\" erhalten."; aboutButtonLabel = "Lizenz"; recordButton = "Aufnahme"; stopButton = "Stop"; playButton = "Wiedergabe"; peakWarningLabel = "Achtung: Eingabe könnte zu laut sein"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Datei: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Länge: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Position: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Wird hochgeladen..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Alle Daten hochgeladen... Danke für Ihren Beitrag!"; } private void Dutch() { usernamePanelLabel = "Gebruikersnaam:"; usernamePanelText = "(laat leeg voor een anonieme bijdrage)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Yes"; pleaseSelect = "Maak een keuze"; other = "anders"; notApplicable = "unknown"; genderPanelLabel = "geslacht:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "mannelijk"; genderSelection[2] = "vrouwelijk"; ageRangePanelLabel = "leeftijd:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "jeugd"; ageSelection[2] = "volwassen"; ageSelection[3] = "senior"; dialectPanelLabel = "dialect:"; dialectSelection = new String [10]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "algemeen Nederlands"; dialectSelection[2] = "Zuidwestelijk"; dialectSelection[3] = "Noordwestelijk"; dialectSelection[4] = "Noordoostelijk"; dialectSelection[5] = "Noordelijk-centraal"; dialectSelection[6] = "Zuidoostelijk"; dialectSelection[7] = "Surinaams-Nederlands"; dialectSelection[8] = "Antiliaans-Nederlands"; dialectSelection[9] = other; microphonePanelLabel = "type microfoon:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "headsetmicrofoon"; microphoneSelection[2] = "headsetmicrofoon (USB)"; microphoneSelection[3] = "bureaumicrofoon"; microphoneSelection[4] = "bureaumicrofoon (USB)"; microphoneSelection[5] = "microfoon in laptop"; microphoneSelection[6] = "webcam microfoon"; microphoneSelection[7] = "studiomicrofoon"; microphoneSelection[8] = other; uploadText = "druk op de knop \"doneren\" om het auteursrecht in de opgenomen
" + "spraak over te dragen aan de Free Software Foundation en de bijdrage ter beschikking
" + " te stellen onder de GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\") :" ; uploadButtonLabel = "doneren"; moreInfoText = "klik op de knop voor meer informatie over ateursrecht en de GPL:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "meer informatie"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge Spraakdonatieprogramma - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Het onderstaande is een onofficiële vertaling van de originele
" +"Warranty Disclaimer voor deze software (in geval van twijfel is de
" +"tekst van de originele Warranty Disclaimer doorslaggevend):
" +"Dit programma staat ter beschikking ZONDER ENIGE TOEZEGGING OF
" +"GARANTIE, zonder zelfs de impliciete toezegging dat het GESCHIKT IS
"; aboutButtonLabel = "meer info"; recordButton = "Opnemen"; stopButton = "Stoppen"; playButton = "Afspelen"; peakWarningLabel = "Waarschuwing: het importvolume staat mogelijk te hoog"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Bestand: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Lengte: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Positie: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Aan het uploaden..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Upload voltooid. Bedankt voor de bijdrage!"; } private void Italian() { usernamePanelLabel = "Nome utente:"; usernamePanelText = "(lasciare in bianco se si vuole inviare come anonimo)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Si"; pleaseSelect = "Selezionare"; notApplicable = "non definito"; genderPanelLabel = "Sesso:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Maschio"; genderSelection[2] = "Femmina"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Fascia di età:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Giovane"; ageSelection[2] = "Adulto"; ageSelection[3] = "Anziano"; dialectPanelLabel = "Dialetto di pronuncia:"; dialectSelection = new String [10]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Italiano generico"; dialectSelection[2] = "Italiano abruzzese"; dialectSelection[3] = "Italiano calabrese"; dialectSelection[4] = "Italiano ciociaro"; dialectSelection[5] = "Italiano milanese"; dialectSelection[6] = "Italiano pugliese"; dialectSelection[7] = "Italiano "; dialectSelection[8] = "Dialetto napoletano"; dialectSelection[9] = "Altro"; microphonePanelLabel = "Tipo di Microfono:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset mic"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB Headset mic"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Laptop Built-in mic"; microphoneSelection[6] = "WebCam mic"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio mic"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Altro"; uploadText = "Cliccando il bottone \"Carica\", si accetta di assegnare il Copyright del parlato registrato a
" + "la Free Software Foundation, e di rilasciare il tuo contributo nei termini della GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Carica"; moreInfoText = "Per ulteriori informazioni sul Copyright e la GPL, premere qui:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Ulteriori Informazioni"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Questo programma e fornito ASSOLUTAMENTE SENZA NESSUNA GARANZIA; neanche senza la sottintesa
" +"ulteriori dettagli cliccare il bottone \"Informazioni\" :"; aboutButtonLabel = "Informazioni"; recordButton = "Registra"; stopButton = "Ferma"; playButton = "Ascolta"; peakWarningLabel = "Attenzione: il volume dell'ingresso potrebbe essere troppo alto"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "File: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Lunghezza: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Posizione: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Caricamento..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Caricamento completato... Si ringrazia per il contributo!"; } private void Hebrew() { usernamePanelLabel = "שם משתמש:"; usernamePanelText = "(השאר ריק על מנת לשלוח כאנונימי)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation - קרן התוכנה החופשית"; gplAccepted = "כן"; pleaseSelect = "אנא בחר"; notApplicable = "לא ידוע"; genderPanelLabel = "מין:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "זכר"; genderSelection[2] = "נקבה"; ageRangePanelLabel = "קבוצת גיל:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "צעיר"; ageSelection[2] = "מבוגר"; ageSelection[3] = "קשיש"; dialectPanelLabel = "ניב המבטא:"; dialectSelection = new String [6]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "ללא"; dialectSelection[2] = "רוסי"; // other dialectSelection[3] = "ערבי"; dialectSelection[4] = "אמריקאי (אנגלית)"; dialectSelection[5] = "אחר"; microphonePanelLabel = "סוג המיקרופון:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset mic"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB Headset mic"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Laptop Built-in mic"; microphoneSelection[6] = "WebCam mic"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio mic"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Other"; uploadText = "בלחיצה על הלחצן \"העלה\", הנך מסכים/ה לתת את כל הזכויות של הקלטת הקול שלך ל
" + "Free Software Foundation - קרן התוכנה החופשית, ולספק את הקלטת הקול תחת הרישיון GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "העלה"; moreInfoText = "למידע נוסף אודות זכויות יוצרים ו-GPL, לחץ כאן:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "מידע נוסף"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without even the implied
" +"more details click the \"About\" button:"; aboutButtonLabel = "About"; recordButton = "הקלט"; stopButton = "עצור"; playButton = "השמע"; peakWarningLabel = "שים לב: ייתכן והקלט יהיה חזק מאוד"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "קובץ: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " אורך: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" מיקום: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "מעלה..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "ההעלאה הסתיימה... תודה מקרב לב על עזרתך!"; } //private void Brazilian() { private void Portuguese() { usernamePanelLabel = "Usuário:"; usernamePanelText = "(deixe em branco para submeter anonimamente)"; copyrightName = "Fundação de Software Livre"; gplAccepted = "Sim"; pleaseSelect = "Selecione"; notApplicable = "desconhecido"; genderPanelLabel = "Sexo:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Masculino"; genderSelection[2] = "Feminino"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Faixa Etária:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Jovem"; ageSelection[2] = "Adulto"; ageSelection[3] = "Idoso"; dialectPanelLabel = "Dialeto de pronunciacão:"; dialectSelection = new String [12]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Portugês de Angola"; dialectSelection[2] = "Portugês do Brasil"; dialectSelection[3] = "Portugês de Cabo Verde"; dialectSelection[4] = "Portugês do Timor Leste"; dialectSelection[5] = "Portugês de Guiné-Bissau"; dialectSelection[6] = "Portugês da Guinea Equatorial"; dialectSelection[7] = "Portugês de Macau"; dialectSelection[8] = "Portugês de Mozambique"; dialectSelection[9] = "Portugês de Portugal"; dialectSelection[10] = "Portugês de São Tomé e Príncipe"; dialectSelection[11] = "Outro"; microphonePanelLabel = "Tipo de Microfone:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Fone de Ouvido com Microfone"; microphoneSelection[2] = "Fone de Ouvido USB com Microfone"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Microfone de Mesa"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Microfone de Mesa USB"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Microfone de Laptop"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Microfone de WebCam"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Microfone de Estúdio"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Outro"; uploadText = "Clicando no botão \"Submeter\", você concorda em ceder o Copyright de seu discurso gravado para
" + "a Free Software Foundation e licenciar sua submissão sob a Licença Pública GNU (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Submeter"; moreInfoText = "Para mais informações sobre Copyright e GPL, clique aqui:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Mais informações"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Este programa vem com ABSOLUTAMENTE NENHUMA GARANTIA; nem mesmo as garantias
" +"mais detalhes clique no botão \"Sobre\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "Sobre"; recordButton = "Gravar"; stopButton = "Parar"; playButton = "Tocar"; peakWarningLabel = "Aviso: a entrada pode ser muito barulhenta"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Arquivo: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Tamanho: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Posição: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Submetendo..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Submissão completada... Obrigado por sua submissão!"; } private void Spanish() { usernamePanelLabel = "Nombre de Usuario:"; usernamePanelText = "(dejar en blanco para enviar anonimamente)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Si"; pleaseSelect = "Por favor Seleccione"; notApplicable = "desconocido"; genderPanelLabel = "Genero:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Masculino"; genderSelection[2] = "Femenino"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Rango de Edad:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Niño"; ageSelection[2] = "Adulto"; ageSelection[3] = "Tercera Edad"; dialectPanelLabel = "Dialecto de Pronunciación:"; dialectSelection = new String [7]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Español España"; dialectSelection[2] = "Español Mexicano"; dialectSelection[3] = "Español Argentina"; dialectSelection[4] = "Español Chile"; dialectSelection[5] = "Español Latinoamerica"; //other dialectSelection[6] = "Otro"; microphonePanelLabel = "Tipo de Microfono:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Micrófono Auricular"; microphoneSelection[2] = "Micrófono Auricular USB"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Micrófono de Escritorio"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Micrófono de Escritorio USB"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Micrófono de Notebook incorporado"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Micrófono de Cámara Web"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Micrófono de Estudio (Profesional)"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Otro"; uploadText = "Haciendo click en el boton \"Subir\", usted esta de acuerdo en entregar los derechos (Copyright) de su voz grabada a
" + "la Free Software Foundation (Fundación del Software Libre), y de licenciar lo subido bajo la Licencia Pública GNU (GNU Public Licence) (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Subir"; moreInfoText = "Para más información sobre los derechos (Copyright) GPL, click aqui:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Más Información"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge Applet para donación de voz - Copyright (C) 2008 VoxForge
" +"This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; without even the implied
" +"more details click the \"Acerca\" button:"; aboutButtonLabel = "Acerca"; recordButton = "Grabar"; stopButton = "Parar"; playButton = "Reproducir"; peakWarningLabel = "Advertencia: entrada tal vez muy alta"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Archivo: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Largo: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Posición: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Subiendo..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Entrega completada... Gracias por su entrega!"; } private void French() { usernamePanelLabel = "Nom d'utilisateur:"; usernamePanelText = "(ne pas remplir pour un envoi anonyme)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Oui"; pleaseSelect = "Sélectionnez"; notApplicable = "inconnu"; genderPanelLabel = "Sexe:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Masculin"; genderSelection[2] = "Féminin"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Tranche d'âge:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Jeune"; ageSelection[2] = "Adulte"; ageSelection[3] = "Senior"; dialectPanelLabel = "Variante régionale:"; dialectSelection = new String [7]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Français Belgique"; dialectSelection[2] = "Français Suisse"; // other dialectSelection[3] = "Français France"; dialectSelection[4] = "Français Québécois"; dialectSelection[5] = "Français d'Afrique"; dialectSelection[6] = "Autre"; microphonePanelLabel = "Type de micro:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Casque micro"; microphoneSelection[2] = "Casque micro USB"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Micro de bureau"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Micro de bureau USB"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Micro de portable"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Micro de webcam"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Micro de studio"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Autre"; uploadText = "En cliquant sur le bouton \"Envoyer\", vous acceptez de céder le droit d'auteur de vos enregistrements à
" + "la Free Software Foundation et de les placer sous la licence GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Envoyer"; moreInfoText = "Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le droit d'auteur et la licence GPL, cliquez ici:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Plus d'informations"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Ce programme est livré SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE; sans même la garantie implicite de
" +"plus de détails, cliquez sur le bouton \"A propos de\" :"; aboutButtonLabel = "A propos de"; recordButton = "Enregistrer"; stopButton = "Arrêter"; playButton = "Lecture"; peakWarningLabel = "Attention: volume d'entrée micro peut-être trop fort"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Fichier: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Longueur: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Position: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Envoi en cours..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Envoi terminé... Merci de votre participation !"; } private void Greek() { usernamePanelLabel = "Όνομα χρήστη:"; usernamePanelText = "(Αφήστε το κενό αν θέλετε να στείλετε τα αρχεία ανώνυμα)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Ναί"; pleaseSelect = "Παρακαλώ Επιλέξτε"; notApplicable = "άγνωστο"; genderPanelLabel = "Γένος:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = "Παρακαλώ Επιλέξτε"; genderSelection[1] = "Άνδρας"; genderSelection[2] = "Γυναίκα"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Ηλικιακή Ομάδα:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = "Παρακαλώ Επιλέξτε"; ageSelection[1] = "Νεαρός"; ageSelection[2] = "Ενήλικας"; ageSelection[3] = "Υπερήλικας"; dialectPanelLabel = "Προφορά Διαλέκτου:"; dialectSelection = new String [7]; dialectSelection[0] = "Παρακαλώ Επιλέξτε"; dialectSelection[1] = "Ελληνική Κοινή"; dialectSelection[2] = "Ελληνική Βορ. Ελλάδος"; // other dialectSelection[3] = "Ελληνική Κρητική"; dialectSelection[4] = "Ελληνική Κύπρου"; dialectSelection[5] = "Ελληνική Αγγλική"; dialectSelection[6] = "Άλλη"; microphonePanelLabel = "Τύπος Μικροφώνου:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = "Παρακαλώ Επιλέξτε"; microphoneSelection[1] = "Ακουστικά με ενσωμ. μικρόφωνο"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB Ακουστικά με ενσωμ. μικρόφωνο"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Επιτραπέζιο μικρόφωνο"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB επιτραπέζιο μικρόφωνο"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Μικρόφωνο Ενσωματωμένο σε Laptop"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Μικρόφωνο WebCam"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Μικρόφωνο Studio"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Άλλο"; uploadText = "Κάνοντας κλικ στο κουμπί \"Αποστολή \" , συμφωνείτε να εκχωρήσετε το δικαίωμα του
" + "δημιουργού (Copyright) για την καταγεγραμένη ομιλία σας στο Free Software Foundation,
" + "και δίνεται την άδεια σας για την υποβολή της,υπό την GNU Public Licence (\" GPL \"):"; uploadButtonLabel = "Αποστολή"; moreInfoText = "Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα δικαιώματα
δημιουργού (Copyright) και το GPL επιλέξτε εδώ:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Για περισσότερες
πληροφορίες"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge Applet Συλλογής Ομιλίας - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Αυτό το πρόγμαμμα ΔΕΝ ΕΧΕΙ ΑΠΟΛΥΤΟΣ ΚΑΜΙΑ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ,ούτε καν την υπονοούμενη
" +"για περισσότερες πληροφορίες πατήστε το κουμπί \"Σχετικά\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "Σχετικά"; recordButton = "Εγγραφή"; stopButton = "Διακοπή"; playButton = "Αναπαραγωγή"; peakWarningLabel = "Προειδοποίηση: Το σήμα εισόδου ίσως είναι πολύ δυνατό"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Αρχείο: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Μήκος: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Θέση: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Αποστολή..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Η αποστολή ολοκληρώθηκε... Ευχαριστούμε για την συμμετοχή σας!"; } private void Turkish() { usernamePanelLabel = "Kullanıcı adı:"; usernamePanelText = "(anonim olarak yollamak için boş bırakın)"; copyrightName = "Özgür Yazılım Vakfı"; gplAccepted = "Evet"; pleaseSelect = "Lütfen Seçin"; notApplicable = "bilinmiyor"; genderPanelLabel = "Cinsiyet:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Erkek"; genderSelection[2] = "Kadın"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Yaş Aralığı"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Genç"; ageSelection[2] = "Yetişkin"; ageSelection[3] = "Yaşlı"; dialectPanelLabel = "Telaffuz lehçesi:"; dialectSelection = new String [3]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "İstanbul Türkçesi"; dialectSelection[2] = "Diğer"; microphonePanelLabel = "Mikrofon türü:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Kulaklıklı mikrofon"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB Kulaklıklı mikrofon"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Masaüstü mikrofon"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB Masaüstü mikrofon"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Dizüstü bilgisayar mikrofonu"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Webcam mikrofonu"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Stüdyo mikrofon"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Diğer"; uploadText = "\"Yükle\" düğmesine bastığınızda ses kaydınızın telif hakkını
" + "Özgür Yazılım Vakfına devretmeyi ve GNU Kamu Lisansı (\"GPL\") ile " + "lisansladığınızı kabul etmiş olacaksınız:"; uploadButtonLabel = "Yükle"; moreInfoText = "Telif hakkı ve GPL hakkında detaylı bilgi için buraya tıklayın:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Daha Fazla Bilgi"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" + "BELLİ BİR AMAÇ İÇİN UYGUNLUK garantisi dahi yoktur.
Daha fazla bilgi için " + "\"Hakkında\" düğmesine basın:"; aboutButtonLabel = "Hakkında"; recordButton = "Kaydet"; stopButton = "Dur"; playButton = "Oynat"; peakWarningLabel = "Uyarı: girdi çok yüksek sesli olabilir"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Dosya: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Uzunluk: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Pozisyon: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Gönderiliyor..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Yükleme tamamlandı... Gönderdiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz."; } private void Bulgarian () { usernamePanelLabel = "потребителско име:"; usernamePanelText = "(оставете празно, за да попълните анонимно)"; copyrightName = "Асоциация за свободен софтуеър"; gplAccepted = "Да"; pleaseSelect = "Изберете"; notApplicable = "неизвестен"; genderPanelLabel = "Пол:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Мъж"; genderSelection[2] = "Жена"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Възраст:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Младеж/Девойка"; ageSelection[2] = "Възрастен"; ageSelection[3] = "Трета Възраст"; dialectPanelLabel = " Регион:"; dialectSelection = new String [4]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Източни говори (на изток от 'я'-товата граница – на 'я')"; dialectSelection[2] = "Западни говори (на запад от 'я'-товата граница – на 'е')"; dialectSelection[3] = "Други"; microphonePanelLabel = "Тип микрофон:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Микрофон интегриран в слушалки"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB микрофон интегриран в слушалки"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Настолен компютърен микрофон"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB настолен компютърен микрофон"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Вграден в лаптопа микрофон"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Уеб камера-микрофон"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Студиен микрофон"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Друг"; uploadText = "С натискане на бутона \"Upload\", Вие преотстъпвате авторското си право върху записаната реч на
" + "Асоциацията за свободен софтуеър, и лицензирате вашия запис със GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Качи"; moreInfoText = "За повече информация за авторски права и GPL, натиснете тук:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "За повече информация"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Тази програма се разпространява без АБСОЛЮТНО НИКАКВА ГАРАНЦИЯ; дори без подразбиращата се
" +" повече информация натиснете бутона \"Лиценз\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "Лиценз"; recordButton = "Запис"; stopButton = "Стоп"; playButton = "Прослушване"; peakWarningLabel = "Внимание: входният сигнал може да е твърде силен"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Файл: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Продължителност: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Позиция: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Качване..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Качването завършено... Благодарим ви за записа!"; } /** * Labels for Ukrainian localization. * @author Bossly * */ private void Ukrainian() { usernamePanelLabel = "Користувач:"; usernamePanelText = "(залишити пустим, щоб залити анонімно)"; copyrightName = "Асоціація Вільного Програмного Забезпечення"; gplAccepted = "Так"; pleaseSelect = "Оберіть:"; notApplicable = "невідомо"; genderPanelLabel = "Стать:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Чоловік"; genderSelection[2] = "Жінка"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Вік:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "До 25 років"; ageSelection[2] = "До 55 років"; ageSelection[3] = "Від 55 років і більше"; dialectPanelLabel = "Діалект"; dialectSelection = new String [5]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Північне(Чернігів,Житомир,Рівне,Волинь)"; dialectSelection[2] = "Південно-західне(Закарпаття,Луцьк,Львів,Вінниця)"; dialectSelection[3] = "Південно-східне(Донецьк,Крим,Київ,Суми,Одеса)"; dialectSelection[4] = "Інший"; // other microphonePanelLabel = "Тип мікрофона:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Ручний мікрофон"; microphoneSelection[2] = "Ручний мікрофон через USB"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Настільний мікрофон"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Настільний мікрофон через USB"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Вбудований мікрофон"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Мікрофон з камери"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Студійний мікрофон"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Інший"; uploadText = "Нажимаючи кнопку \"Відправити\", ви передаєте права на записану інформацію
" + "Асоціації Вільного Програмного Забезпечення, та дозволяєте поширювати її в рамках GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Відправити"; moreInfoText = "Для додаткової інформації про Авторське право та GPL, натисніть тут:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Додаткова інформація"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Авторське право© 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Ця програма поставляється БЕЗ БУДЬ-ЯКИХ ГАРАНТІЙ; він може не видповідати
" +"заявленим до нього вимогам.. Для отримання детальнішої інформації
" +"натисніть кнопку \"Про програму\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "Про програму"; recordButton = "Записати"; stopButton = "Зупинити"; playButton = "Відтворити"; peakWarningLabel = "Обережно: записаний звук може бути дуже гучний"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Файл: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Довжина: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Позиція: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Відправляється..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Відправлено... Дякуємо за допомогу!"; } private void Catalan() { usernamePanelLabel = "Nom d'usuari:"; usernamePanelText = "(deixeu-lo buit per remandre anònim)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Sí"; pleaseSelect = "Trieu-ne un"; notApplicable = "desconegut"; genderPanelLabel = "Gènere:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Masculí"; genderSelection[2] = "Femení"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Edat:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Jove"; ageSelection[2] = "Adult"; ageSelection[3] = "Tercera edat"; dialectPanelLabel = "Dialecte:"; dialectSelection = new String [7]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Central"; dialectSelection[2] = "Nord-occidental"; dialectSelection[3] = "Valencià"; dialectSelection[4] = "Baleàric"; dialectSelection[5] = "Septentrional (rosellonès)"; dialectSelection[6] = "Altre"; microphonePanelLabel = "Tipus de micròfon:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Micròfon d'auriculars"; microphoneSelection[2] = "Micròfon d'auriculars USB"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Micròfon d'escriptori"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Micròfon d'escriptori USB"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Micròfon incorporat al portàtil"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Micròfon de càmera web"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Micròfon d'estudi"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Altre"; uploadText = "Fent clic al botó \"Penja\", consentiu a assignar els drets d'autor de les vostres gravacions a
" + "la Free Software Foundation i cediu la vostra tramesa sota la Llicència Pública General de GNU (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Penja"; moreInfoText = "Per a més informació en quant a drets d'autor i la GPL, feu clic aquí:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Més informació"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Aquest programa es distribueix SENSE CAP GARANTIA; ni tant sols amb la garantia de
" +"detalls feu clic al botó \"Quant a\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "Quant a"; recordButton = "Enregistra"; stopButton = "Atura"; playButton = "Reprodueix"; peakWarningLabel = "Avís: pot ser que el volum sigui massa elevat"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Fitxer: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Durada: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Posició: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "S'està penjant les gravacions..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Càrrega completada... Gràcies per la vostra contribució!"; } private void Croatian() { usernamePanelLabel = "Korisničko ime"; usernamePanelText = "(ako želite biti anonimni ostavite prazno)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Da"; pleaseSelect = "Odaberite"; notApplicable = "nepoznato"; genderPanelLabel = "Spol:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Muško"; genderSelection[2] = "Žensko"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Dobna skupina:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Djeca"; ageSelection[2] = "Odrasli"; ageSelection[3] = "Stari"; dialectPanelLabel = "Dijalekt:"; dialectSelection = new String [5]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Štokavsko narječje"; dialectSelection[2] = "Kajkajvsko narječje"; // other dialectSelection[3] = "Čakavsko narječje"; dialectSelection[4] = "Other"; microphonePanelLabel = "Tip mikrofona:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Headset mikorfon"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB Headset mikoron"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB Desktop Boom mic"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Laptop Built-in mic"; microphoneSelection[6] = "WebCam mikrofon"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio mifrofon"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Other"; uploadText = " Ako kliknete \"Upload\" gumb, vi se slažete da će te postpisati autorsko pravo (Copyright) za vaš snimljeni audio zapis na
" + "Free Software Foundation, i da će lincenca vašeg snimlčjenog audio zapisa biti pod GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Slanje"; moreInfoText = "Za više informacija o autorskom pravu (Copyright) i GPL, kliknite ovdje:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Više informacija"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Ovaj program dolazi bez ikakve odgovrnosti i garancije;
" +"jamstva od prodaje ili prikladnosti ZA ODREĐENU SVRHU. Za
" +"više detalja kliknite gumb \"Više\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "Više"; recordButton = "Snimaj"; stopButton = "Stani"; playButton = "Počni"; peakWarningLabel = "Upozorenje: preglasno "; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Datoteka: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Dužina: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Pozicija: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Slanje..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Slanje završeno... Hvala vam na pomoći!"; } private void Albanian() { usernamePanelLabel = "Emri i përdoruesit:"; usernamePanelText = "(lëre bosh për t'u paraqitur në mënyrë anonime)"; copyrightName = "Free Software Foundation"; gplAccepted = "Po"; pleaseSelect = "Ju letemi zgjedhni"; notApplicable = "i panjohur"; genderPanelLabel = "Gjinia:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Mashkull"; genderSelection[2] = "Femër"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Mosha:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "I mitur"; ageSelection[2] = "I rritur"; ageSelection[3] = "I moshuar"; dialectPanelLabel = "Dialekti:"; dialectSelection = new String [2]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Gjuhë standarde"; microphonePanelLabel = "Lloji i mikrofonit:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Kufje"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB kufje"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Desktop Boom"; microphoneSelection[4] = "USB Desktop Boom"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Llaptop Built-in"; microphoneSelection[6] = "WebCam"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Studio"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Tjeter"; uploadText = "Duke klikuar butonin \"Ngarko\", ju pajtoheni që Fondacioni Free Software të ketë të drejtë autorësie mbi fjalimin tuaj të regjistruar
" + "dhe lejoni që ky fjalim të licensohet sipas Licencës Publike GNU (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Ngarko"; moreInfoText = "Për më shumë informacion mbi të drejtat e autorit dhe GPL, klikoni këtu:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Më shumë informacion"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Ky program vjen ABSOLUTISHT PA ASNJË lloj autorizimi; madje edhe pa autorizimin për ta shitur ose
" +"përdorur për ndonjë qëllim të caktuar
" +"Për më shumë detaje klikoni butonin: \"Më shumë\" "; aboutButtonLabel = "Më shumë"; recordButton = "Regjistro"; stopButton = "Ndal"; playButton = "Fillo"; peakWarningLabel = "Kujdes: zëri mund të jetë shumë ilartë"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Skedari: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Gjatësia: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Pozicioni: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Duke u ngarkuar..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Ngarkimi përfundoi...Ju faleminderit për kontributin tuaj!"; } /** * Labels for Belarusian localization. * @author begemotv2718 * */ private void Belarusian() { usernamePanelLabel = "Карыстальнік:"; usernamePanelText = "(пакінуць пустым, каб зайсці ананімна)"; copyrightName = "Фонд вольнага праграмнага забеспячэння"; gplAccepted = "Так"; pleaseSelect = "Абярыце:"; notApplicable = "невядома"; genderPanelLabel = "Пол:"; genderSelection = new String [3]; genderSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; genderSelection[1] = "Мужчынскі"; genderSelection[2] = "Жаночы"; ageRangePanelLabel = "Узрост:"; ageSelection = new String [4]; ageSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; ageSelection[1] = "Да 25 гадоў"; ageSelection[2] = "Да 55 гадоў"; ageSelection[3] = "Больш за 55 гадоў"; dialectPanelLabel = "Дыялект (вымаўленне)"; dialectSelection = new String [5]; dialectSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; dialectSelection[1] = "Сярэднебеларускі"; dialectSelection[2] = "Палескі"; dialectSelection[3] = "Паўночна-усходні (Віцебск)"; dialectSelection[3] = "Паўднёва-заходні (Брэст)"; dialectSelection[4] = "Іншы"; // other microphonePanelLabel = "Тып мікрафона:"; microphoneSelection = new String [9]; microphoneSelection[0] = pleaseSelect; microphoneSelection[1] = "Гарнітура"; microphoneSelection[2] = "USB гарнітура"; microphoneSelection[3] = "Настольны мікрафон"; microphoneSelection[4] = "Настольны мікрафон праз USB"; microphoneSelection[5] = "Убудаваны мікрофон ноўтбука"; microphoneSelection[6] = "Мікрафон ад вэбкамеры"; microphoneSelection[7] = "Студыйны мікрафон"; microphoneSelection[8] = "Іншы"; uploadText = "Націскаючы кнопку \"Даслаць\", вы передаеце права на запiсаную інфармацыю
" + "Фонду Вольнага Праграмнага Забеспячэння, а таксама дазваляеце распаўсюджваць яе ў межах GNU Public Licence (\"GPL\"):" ; uploadButtonLabel = "Даслаць"; moreInfoText = "Каб атрымаць дадатковаю інфармацыю пра Аўтарскае права ці GPL, націснуць тут:"; moreInfoButtonLabel = "Дадатковая інфармацыя"; disclaimerText = "VoxForge SpeechSubmission Applet - © 2007-2014 VoxForge
" +"Гэта праграма распаўсюджваецца БЕЗ ГАРАНТЫЙ; яна нават можа не адпавядаць
" +"абвешчанай у яе назве мэце.. Каб атрымаць дадатковую інфармацыю
" +"націсніце кнопку \"Аб праграме\":"; aboutButtonLabel = "Аб праграме"; recordButton = "Запісаць"; stopButton = "Спыніць"; playButton = "Прайграць"; peakWarningLabel = "Асцярожна: запіс можа быць занадта гучным!"; sampleGraphFileLabel = "Файл: "; sampleGraphLengthLabel = " Даўжыня: "; sampleGraphPositionLabel =" Пазіцыя: "; uploadingMessageLabel = "Дасылаецца..."; uploadCompletedMessageLabel = "Даслана... Дзякуем за дапамогу!!"; } public String getUsernamePanelLabel() { return usernamePanelLabel; } public String getUsernamePanelText() { return usernamePanelText; } public String getCopyrightName() { return copyrightName; } public String getGplAccepted() { return gplAccepted; } public String getPleaseSelect() { return pleaseSelect; } public String getNotApplicable() { return notApplicable; } public String getGenderPanelLabel() { return genderPanelLabel; } public String[] getGenderSelection() { return genderSelection; } public String getAgeRangePanelLabel() { return ageRangePanelLabel; } public String[] getAgeSelection() { return ageSelection; } public String getDialectPanelLabel() { return dialectPanelLabel; } public String[] getDialectSelection() { return dialectSelection; } public String getMicrophonePanelLabel() { return microphonePanelLabel; } public String[] getMicrophoneSelection() { return microphoneSelection; } public String getUploadText() { return uploadText; } public String getUploadButtonLabel() { return uploadButtonLabel; } public String getMoreInfoText() { return moreInfoText; } public String getMoreInfoButtonLabel() { return moreInfoButtonLabel; } public String getDisclaimerText() { return disclaimerText; } public String getAboutButtonLabel() { return aboutButtonLabel; } public String getRecordButton() { return recordButton; } public String getStopButton() { return stopButton; } public String getPlayButton() { return playButton; } public String getPeakWarningLabel() { return peakWarningLabel; } public String getSampleGraphFileLabel() { return sampleGraphFileLabel; } public String getSampleGraphLengthLabel() { return sampleGraphLengthLabel; } public String getSampleGraphPositionLabel() { return sampleGraphPositionLabel; } public String getUploadingMessageLabel() { return uploadingMessageLabel; } public String getUploadCompletedMessageLabel() { return uploadCompletedMessageLabel; } }