
is the prompts2wlist.jl scripf file missed?!
User: Fati
Date: 7/18/2015 4:22 pm
Views: 2717
Rating: 1

I clicked on prompts2wlist.jl in this page to see the script by I got the "Not Found" error! is it removed?

Re: is the prompts2wlist.jl scripf file missed?!
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/18/2015 8:40 pm
Views: 47
Rating: 0

>I clicked on prompts2wlist.jl in this page to see the script by I got the "Not

>Found" error! is it removed?

Sorry, I was reorganizing/renaming things the github backend, and there was a short period of time where the links were broken.  It should be fixed now... if not, please let me know.


