include config: julian.jconf
###### check configurations
checkpath: No such file or directory
julian: cannot access acoustic_model_files_build726/hmmdefs
Hello, I am very excited to find this software. Thanks for your part in this effort. I download the windows quickstart zip file, unzipped it, read the README file, opened a cmd window, exectured run_julias.bat and received the error output found at the start of this email. I'm reporting it so that it can be fixed for others or the README can be updated with further instructions. I believe I have followed the instructions, as given. I will now begin a search of the VoxForge website for the acoustic_model_files_build726.
Best, Jim
Hi Jim,
julian: cannot access acoustic_model_files_build726/hmmdefs
Everything you need to run Julius/Julian in included in the zipfile. Try changing to the directory where you extracted the files.
Another option would be to change the path to your hmmdef file in the julian.jconf file to an absolute path rather than a relative path.
i.e. change this:
## Acoustic HMM file
# support ascii hmmdefs or binary format (converted by "mkbinhmm")
# format (ascii/binary) will be automatically detected
-h acoustic_model_files_build726/hmmdefs
## triphone model needs HMMList that maps logical triphone to physical ones.
-hlist acoustic_model_files_build726/tiedlist
to something like this:
## Acoustic HMM file
# support ascii hmmdefs or binary format (converted by "mkbinhmm")
# format (ascii/binary) will be automatically detected
-h /absolutePath/acoustic_model_files_build726/hmmdefs
## triphone model needs HMMList that maps logical triphone to physical ones.
-hlist /absolutePath/acoustic_model_files_build726/tiedlist
Jim's reply:
Ken, Thanks for your response. I finally snapped back into the old Unix mode and realized that hmmdefs is a filename (no extension) and therefore acoustic_model_files_build726 is a directory. I then re-unzipped the archive with "use folder names" enabled so that directories were created. Now, it works. Thanks again.